Matteo Bigoni
Matteo Bigoni
Matteo is Head of Taxonomies returned to CBI having previously worked as Heads of the Certification. He managed the Climate Bonds Standard and Certification Scheme and worked with many green bond stakeholders including external reviewers, government agencies, potential issuers and development banks.
Prior to the CBI, he was Programme Manager for the Plan Vivo Standard, a set of requirements for smallholders and communities wishing to manage their land more sustainably.
From 2009 to 2014, he worked on the development of projects under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in West Africa. He also worked in Beijing under the EU-China Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Facilitation Project.
More recently, he was Senior Climate Finance Specialist at FSD Africa and Climate Executive at British International Investment (BII – former CDC Group), the UK’s development finance institution, where he focused on Adaptation and Resilience as well as climate finance investments.
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