Social & Sustainability Bond Dataset Methodology



Climate Bonds has added a Climate Bonds Social and Sustainability Bond Dataset (SnS Dataset) to its suite of GSS+ debt datasets. The SSBDB complements the Climate Bonds Green Bond Dataset in order to provide a more complete snapshot of the GSS+ debt market.

The aim of the SnS Dataset is to provide transparency on global social and sustainability debt, ranging from individual deal-level analysis to the identification of general market developments and trends. The dataset will evolve with the market.

As with green bonds, Climate Bonds screens self-labelled debt instruments to identify bonds and other debt instruments as eligible for inclusion in the SnS Dataset. The screening references the Climate Bonds Taxonomy, albeit using a modified sector list rather than directly using the Taxonomy screening indicators. This document provides information on the approach and the dataset maintenance process.


SnS Dataset Methodology 

The approach taken in this methodology seeks demonstration of ambition from social and sustainability bond issuers. The requirements for inclusion will be tightened over time.

Step 1: Identification of labelled social and sustainability debt

Step 2: Use of Proceeds analysis

Step 3: Key information and SDG mapping