
The Climate Bonds Standard and Certification Scheme is a labelling scheme for Entities, Assets and Debt Instruments. Rigorous scientific criteria ensure that Certified investments in climate mitigation are consistent with the 1.5owarming limit in the Paris Agreement. The Scheme is used globally by bond issuers, governments, investors and the financial markets to prioritise investments which genuinely contribute to addressing climate change.

Sector Criteria in Development

We currently developing criteria for the following sectors:

We are actively recruiting for technical and industry experts who are interested in shaping these criteria for both the Technical Working Groups who own the criteria and the Industry Working Groups that test and support them.


TWG's role is   

  • To provide advice in the development of criteria that identify investments that will deliver climate mitigation benefits and are resilient to the impacts to climate change.​

  • To provide technical input, present it to members of the group, prepared to discuss it and work with others in the group to achieve agreement. 

Members are typically technical experts in the field and have experience in the industry.  Members may come from academia, Not-for-Profit / charitable organisation, think tanks and sometimes from Multilateral Development Banks.  



The Industry Working Group meets in parallel to the ongoing TWG discussions to help refine and strengthen the resulting Criteria. Their role is to:​

  • advise and review the draft criteria being developed by the TWG,  ensuring they are applicable to the market, ​

  • test the practicality of the criteria and provide recommendations for further improvement

Members are typically industry or potential issuers, Verifiers, Investors and from sustainable Industry membership bodies.