How to ensure the transition label has impact
A joint Climate Bonds & Credit Suisse Whitepaper
- Summary note: Financing Credible Transitions
Original Press Release from Sept 2020
- Transition Feature: Inclusive
- Transition Feature: Ambition
- Transition Feature: Flexible
Climate Bonds Standard Version 4.0 expands to Corporate Entity and SLB Certification
Building a market for green transitions, 30th Nov 2020
1. 信頼できる「ブラウン」から「グリーン」への移行が、野心的で包括的、かつパリ協定に沿ったものであると市場がみなすための出発点を提示することによって、移行を概念として定義する(それによりグリーンウォッシュを回避する)。
2. グリーンラベルとトランジションラベルの役割分担を明確にし、実際にトランジションラベルを活用するための枠組みを提案する。
1. Defining transition as a concept
Whilst the Green bond market has grown fast over recent years, there is insufficient volume and diversity of sectors and on their own, they will not deliver the goals of the Paris Agreement. To do this, all sectors of the economy will adjust to operate effectively in a low carbon economy. For many sectors - especially the high carbon emitting sectors - they may need to fundamentally reshape and transform their strategy in light of the challenges of a changing climate.
The paper presented 5 Core Principles for an ambitious transition that need to be considered for any organisation looking to transition in order to ensure that transition is done in the right way. If a bond meets these principles, it’s important to also check that:
- there is sufficient information to enable an informed decision to be made;
- that it doesn’t contribute to locking in GHG intensive infrastructure.
In addition, the paper presented 3 key features that a transition must display:
Three common features for Transition
• Ambitious – this means aiming high i.e. in line with 1.5 degrees or has a significant emissions reduction potential) and aiming well i.e ensuring that reductions are real (no offsets) and plans are real (not just a plan to have a plan).
• Flexible – applicable to whole entities, everything they do, and a range of associated financial products
• Inclusive – allow all sectors and activities to participate as long as they demonstrate compliance with the principles and framework outline
2. A framework for use of the transition label
Multiple pathways to achieve Paris goals and the SDGs
A flexible framework applicable to whole entities and everything that they do